'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


     For some reason, in my downtime I've been watching marathon runs of 24. Only when you watch it over and over again, do you realize just how bad it really is. On a scale from one to ten, it's about a fifty on the Weird Melodrama Meter. The people at CTU are lucky to be working at all. O, and Jack's psychopathology manifests more and more as the story unfolds. But wait, if you're patient, you'll be rewarded with a Plot Twist that justifies another seven hours of story. And everyone in the world is right, of course - Kim Bauer is the single most annoyingly stupid character in the history of television. Really, 24 is just so bad, and I can't stop watching the damn thing.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

militarized police? i don't think they exist...

     I was driving the other day through Granville, Ohio. Look it up on a map somewhere - it is to say the least rural, though it's hard upon the bustling metropolis of Newark. Don't get lost in the three square blocks of 'downtown' Newark, o heavens. And the less said about Heath, the better. 
     Anyway, all this is by way of noting that the sheriff drove past me the other day in an armored vehicle that wouldn't go amiss in some of the more genteel regions of Syria or the Ukraine. An armored fucking vehicle it was. Needless to say I'm glad they didn't pull me over for speeding, a bad taillight, or some other capital crime. I can see it now, the phrase 'hail of bullets' in the headline.
     Yeah, I know, I'm white and all, but the cops do sometimes make mistakes.