'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Thursday, November 24, 2011

odds and ends

    I feel like I've lost my way. If you find my way, please let me know.
     The Romans are a great enigma to me. I don't really understand anything they did. Julius Caesar might as well be a quantum loop.
     I find myself confronted by a new challenge: success, surprising and overwhelming success. As a sales rep, over the last year I have won awards, broken records, and earned more money than I imagined possible. I own a business with employees, including an administrative assistant. Why is this a challenge, you query? Good question...good question.
     The Occupy protesters are mostly just tourists. They're fomenting a revolution for the hell of it.
     Gray hair abounds - I rather like it.
     Why o why must we insist that Shakespeare wasn't Shakespeare? What obsession with occult rumblings does this signify?
     Do we really think the world will end in 2012? Should I set up my Roth IRA, or not? I need answers people, and my business adviser can't seem to help me.
     Discuss: The NATO war in Libya was a counterrevolution.
     It's already Black Friday, but then again, we know all Fridays are Black, as well as Good.

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