'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

so, that happened...

     I threw my back out on Sunday. How, you ask? Well I'll tell ya - I was pulling weeds when it happened. 
     O, the day was beautiful, cool and breezy it was, out of character for late July. It had been far, far too long since I had tended to the gardens, and they were overrun with nettles and ivy. So, a little weeding seemed the thing to do.
     Damn this pain. Love the pain killers - it's easy to see how folks could become addicted to the things. I won't of course. After all, I have far too many addictions as it is. 
     To sum up, here's the buzz - the back's out, wifi's down, and I'm in bed reading The Spanish Civil War by one Hugh Thomas. It's a damn fine piece of work. Soon, life will once more become a wonderful dream. 
     So annoying it is.

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