'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

from the old endlessly rocking...

     Been thinking that it may not be worth it to keep this new site going:  i don't know, i just don't know...


  1. What's probably happening - I'm guessing - is that you're actually getting an accurate measurement of your traffic for the first time. Based on the number of comments you receive on your blogs and your infrequent posting, 9 sounds just about right. 9 is a big day for my humble little blogspot.

  2. What I wonder is, how many of those hits are coming from folks' feed readers just checking if there are any updates? I know I still have the old ER in my feed reader, and I bet a lot of other folks have as well. The number of "real" hits (defined as a human being intentionally visiting the site and reading it) may be a lot smaller than 800.

    In any case, I hope you keep on writing somewhere that I can get at (i.e. not on Facebook where I don't exist and probably never will).

  3. Happens that I still have the old site (& not yet this one — about which I need to do something) reader-listed too.

    Your occasional long silences are one thing. But how really unhappy a thing it'd be if you just went away from this world of words on screen, one day, never to return!
