'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Friday, June 7, 2013

more fun from the calvinist international, this time featuring Peter Leithart...

     This just in - the people at the Council of Nicaea were, get this, people. Who knew? What a revolution is upon us. I should adapt my thinking to the New Irenic Future. 
     See, it turns out that homoousias didn't immediately capture the imaginations of everyone everywhere at all times.
     My world is shattered. 
     Of course, I could take consolation in the fact that in the end, the council did in fact confess that the Son is of one being, essence, etc (homoousias) with the Father, but that would obscure the fact that councils can err, and are fraught with all sorts of human humanness.
     O what will I ever do now? 

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