'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

elca inanity...

     I see my former denomination, the ELCA (Even Larger Church in America), continues its pathetic dalliance with soft apostasy - it has confected its first 'openly gay' bishop. This is, to be sure, blasphemy of a high order, but those who commit such blasphemy want to be affirmed as pious and good. To this end, they will demand that the laws of God and man bend and break to provide cover for their transgression. 
     They are cowards all.
     They seek an escape under cover of the Law from that existential void where they have only the cold comfort of courage in facing down damnation, if such a thing is real. If it is not, then they have only their acts to define their variously absurd destinies. Either way, there is no cover, no affirmation, no escape from their loneliness. They should either embrace it, or repent of it.
     Like I said, pathetic.

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