In lieu of anything of my own, I give you something from Luther's sermons on John 6:
'He speaks openly, clearly, and plainly of this, so that no one may think that he says it in a dark or hidden way or is using a figure of speech: "I am the bread," a food which has come from heaven. "Whoever eats of me, shall live." Here no one can deny that he is talking about himself, since he says this about himself, that is, about his person. Therefore one is to grasp and take hold of the person of Christ with certainty, and not go wandering on other paths. But people are most offended by this, that he says "I". Whoever overcomes this offense, has triumphed, for this is the real art and the highest wisdom of faith, if one can only consider and regard this person Christ as God, as his food and bread of eternal life, yes, as his comfort, redeemer, and savior, for whatever he is, that you obtain with him. This article makes you a Christian, so that you are called "Christian" from Christ, and you receive your Christian title from him.'
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