From I Am Amazed (Against the Origenists), by one Shenoute of Atripe, the section entitled, 'On the Incarnation and the Eucharist':
'But now some say that the bread and cup are not the body and blood of Christ, but are merely a type. I have grown weary of saying this. Woe is me! I have become disturbed on account of this ungodliness!'
Quite so. 'I have grown weary of saying this,' how I understand.
'If the Lord himself says, "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood will live forever," and moreover, "This is my body and this is my blood," how great will be the woe to these people when they say that is is not his body and his blood, and how great will be the woe to those who accept their words!'
No matter. People have their opinions. They feel somehow entitled to those opinions, and love to share them. They will make no assertions as to truth, mind you, but how they love their opinions.
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